Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Stachetoberfest rules

The idea behind Stachetoberfest is simple - grow a mustache for the month of October. How it turned into a contest is a little, uh, fuzzy, but I'm willing to go with rules if it maintains the integrity of the Stachetoberfest spirit. The rules outlined in this blog are fine with me and do in fact uphold the principles of what it means to grow a mustache during the month of October. So it has been said, so it has been written.

A clean shaved face shall be presented on October 1st.
Official Stachetoberfest-regulation mustaches are present on the upper lip only - no 'soul patches' or goatees in tandem with the mustache will be allowed Stachetoberfest status. Mustaches that extend beyond the upper lip are acceptable, but must not connect to a beard or be part of a sideburn configuration.
Regular grooming that accentuates participants mustaches must be observed.

Short of those rules, all other mustache cultivating strategies are acceptable in order for a mustache to be an official Stachetoberfest licensed mustache.

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